June 4, 2022

Summit Christian Academy (SCA) is pleased to announce that senior M’racle Bryant-Morgan was recognized recently for her performance in “Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella” in the Female Vocalist category at the annual Kansas City Cappies Award Gala.

“M’racle is a radiant young woman with a smile that is effervescent, generous, and caring,” shared SCA Theatre Director Nancy Horine. “Her portrayal of the Fairy Godmother was pure joy, and full of whimsical wit. Rodgers and Hammerstein could be grinning from the clouds above watching her twirl and musical vocal talent.”

The Kansas City Cappies works with high school theatre students all over the metropolitan area. The season culminates with a grand Gala event, with performances from the top ranked plays and musicals from the season, and awards given for the best performers, technicians, and writers of the year. SCA Theatre is a member of the KC Cappies as well as the International Thespian Society.
