November 18, 2023
Ryan, a 16-year-old student at Lee’s Summit West High School, is currently as busy as one of Santa’s elves.
He is hosting his fourth annual toy drive for FosterAdopt Connect, a local organization that works with children, youth, and families as they navigate the complexities of the child welfare system. All collected toys help stock the shelves of their Give Joy holiday shop for KC area foster kids.
This year, Ryan’s goal is 200 gifts. His story has been on news segments with Channel 9 and Channel 41.
Ryan is in the Life Skills program at LSWHS. He has created an Amazon wishlist of gift ideas, unboxes all of the deliveries, organizes the gifts and keeps track of his progress toward his goal. This yearly event helps him contribute to the community in ways that are unique to him and within his skillset even as a teen with special needs.
To donate click here.