February 15, 2024

Dear LSR7 School Community:

It is heartbreaking to hear about the tragedy at the KC Champions Parade yesterday. We extend our deepest condolences and support to all of the victims and their loved ones, and are grateful for our police, fire and first responders who responded to the tragedy, including school resource officers Sims and Arnold.

We take our commitment to wellbeing in our district seriously, and are prepared to provide additional support for students, families and staff. If your child would like to speak to someone at school about their feelings, concerns or fears, please encourage them to reach out to a teacher or building leader to connect with counseling resources. Additionally, our Student Wellbeing page provides resources that may be helpful to parents who are looking for guidance on age-appropriate ways to talk about yesterday’s events with students. 

Our school community is built on caring relationships. Please join me as we work to support each other in the coming days and keep our Lee’s Summit and greater Kansas City community in our thoughts.

With much appreciation,

Dr. David Buck
