August 3, 2024

Karan Pujji, a Republican candidate for Missouri State Treasurer, released the following statement in response to today’s [July 31, 2024] news story insinuating that Indian companies have contributed $1.5 million to a PAC supporting his opponent:

“I am deeply concerned about how this scandal could damage the reputation of our community now and for years to come. As a fellow Indian American, I am willing to give Mr. Malek the benefit of the doubt. I am confident that my fellow Missourians will too if he opens his books and prove that everything is on the up and up. Only Mr. Malek can clear his name, remove the cloud over his campaign, and prevent harm to our community.

As a candidate for State Treasurer, I am expected, like all candidates, to follow all state and federal laws. This is a highly contested race. I limited my fundraising because I wanted to avoid any conflicts of interest, or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

Karan Pujji is a candidate in the upcoming Republican Primary for State Treasurer. He has a professional background in private equity and healthcare management.
