Hope House Awards Luncheon

On April 5, 2018 Hope House held its Everyday Hero Luncheon at the Hilton President Hotel in Kansas City to honor all of its volunteers for their time and commitment to the mission of Hope House. On hand were Keynote Speaker, Dayton…

Landscape Contest Call For Entries

By Carol Rothwell Lee’s Summit’s annual Landscape Contest will feature a new category, “Water Gardens, Native Plants and Butterfly Gardens,” as part of its efforts to make residents aware of the ecological benefits of these types of gardens. Because certain birds, bees…

Rotary Clubs Donate New Shoes For Orphans

For a year, Lee’s Summit’s three Rotary Clubs members have been collecting new shoes and socks, for the Annual District 6040 “Shoes Roundup.” According to Past Rotary International Director, Larry Lunsford, this year these shoes are going to orphan children in Guatemala…