Members of the Lee’s Summit Lions Club met at the Bob Evans Restaurant on June 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. At that meeting Lion Pat Liska, (Zone Chair) from the Lake Winebeggo Lions Club Installed the following Lions into their perspective Offices; Voyn Breshears,President; Rick Sheets,1st Vice President; William Hulse, 2nd Vive President; Gary Hoffman,Secretary; Kirby Vanatta,Treasurer; Ken Burnett,Tail twister; Robert Hayter, Lion Tamer; Tabitha Creswell,J.C. Grossman, Joyce Jones and Paul Watts, Directors. Front Row: Lions Tabitha Creswell, Voyn Breshears, Gary Hoffman, Robert Hayter, Joyce Jones, Pam Liska. Back Row: Paul Watts, Ken Burnett, William Hulse and Kirby Vanatta.
