Strategies Will Help To Prevent And Reduce Youth Drug Use In Lee’s Summit

Staff from Lee’s Summit CARES will join nearly 2,000 substance abuse prevention and treatment specialists from across the country in Nevada July 17-21 for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Training Institute. The week-long training will teach participants how to address one of the nation’s biggest public health challenges – youth drug use. Lee’s Summit CARES Director Rachel Segobia and Prevention Program Coordinator Monica Meeks will attend. Designated grant funds will pay for the training.

“Participants will return to their communities with new skills and strategies, and a clearer roadmap to create environments where young people can thrive,” said General Arthur T. Dean, CADCA’s Chairman and CEO.

Connecting with experts and coalition staff from around the country helps ensure Lee’s Summit CARES volunteers receive the latest information and resources to address underage substance use, according to Lee’s Summit CARES Director Rachel Segobia. Segobia shared an example: “Missouri voters may vote on a Constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana this fall. Attendance at the training will help staff bring back the latest research to volunteers and residents on how marijuana impacts the development of the adolescent brain and how youth use can contribute to addiction.”

Lee’s Summit CARES is a nonprofit community coalition that provides programs for youth substance abuse prevention, parenting and character development. The 30-year old nonprofit agency works to maintain a healthy and safe community for children, youth and families of the Greater Lee’s Summit area. To schedule a speaker or make a tax-deductible donation, visit or call (816) 347-3298.
