Pictured L-R Past President, Shane McCray, William Hulse,Paul Watts, Kirby Vanatta, Bob Hayter, Voyn Breashears, Oncoming President, Michael Delacour and PDG Tom Duke

Submitted By Lion Bob Hayter

The Lee’s Summit Lions met at the Neighborhood Cafe on June 26th 2018, at that meeting PDG Lion Tom Duke from the KC Redbrige Club installed the following Lions into there perspective positions Lion’s Mike Delacour. President; Voyn Breshears, 1st Vice President; William Hulse, 2nd Vice President; Bob Hayter, Secretary; Kirby Vanatta, Treasurer; Conrad Jones, Membership Chair; Paul Watts, Tail Twister; Gary Hoffman, Lion Tamer; and Blain Beatty, Ken Burnett, Harry Voigts, James Waggoner All Directors. also at that meeting Perfect attendance pins were handed out and Lion President Shane McCray was presented Past Presidents Plaque and Lion of the Year Plaque.
