Missouri taxpayers looking for tax credit opportunities in 2018 have an option to consider prior to the end of the year. The Domestic Violence Shelter Tax Credit Program, allows taxpayers who contribute at least $100 cash during the taxable year will be eligible for a tax credit equal to 50% of the amount contributed to Hope House, a qualified domestic violence agency, offered through the Missouri Department of Social Services.

“We are further strengthened, due to the generosity and support of our donors, which allows us to continue the daily, life-saving work for the survivors and their families we serve that are affected by domestic violence.” says Hope House CEO, MaryAnne Metheny. “We hope our community will continue to support Hope House while taking advantage of the tax credit.”

Tax credit applications can be requested at 816-257-9363 or email Angie Tuck at atuck@hopehouse.net. Visit: www.hopehouse.net.

Hope House, an important resource for domestic violence survivors in the Kansas City area, is among the qualified agencies and shares the opportunity for donors to receive an end of year tax credit on donations of $100 or more. A contribution of $100 or greater is eligible for this credit. In-kind donations are not eligible. There are a limited number of tax credits allocated for each domestic violence agency and they are first come first served.

Hope House provides comprehensive domestic violence services including, two emergency shelters, 24-hour crisis hotline, court and hospital advocacy programs, individual and group therapy, safe supervised visitation program, as well as comprehensive services encompassing prevention, education and support for thousands of people traumatized by domestic violence every year. The 24-hour hotline number is 816-461-HOPE (4673).
