By Elaine Metcalf

Are you ready for some trivia? Come out and enjoy an evening of “Twisted Trivia – Trivia Combined with Games of Chance,” and support Pro Deo Youth Center. Teams of eight are available, and tables are limited, so reserve yours today. The event is Friday, Mar. 1, 2019 from 7 – 10 p.m. at Paradise Park Conference Center located at 1021 N.E. Colbern Road in Lee’s Summit.

Cash prizes will be awarded for first place ($400), second place ($200) and third place ($80). There will also be a prize awarded for the most creative table theme. Additionally there will be a cash bar. You may bring your own snacks and pizza will be available.

Single seats are $25, teams of eight are $200 or $300 for a VIP table. A VIP table includes front row seating, table service and one FREE PASS.

Pro Deo is a small non-profit making a big impact on teens and their families. It is an after school and weekend program for vulnerable teens looking for a safe and inclusive environment. It runs solely on fundraising events, foundation grants, and donations.

For more information and to register, visit the Pro Deo Youth Center events page.
