Feb. 2, 2019

SCA 7th grade student Karinton Newton with SCA Academic Dean Mrs. Kimberlee Gill at the National School Choice Week Rally held recently in Jefferson City. Karinton was the third place award winner of the National School Choice Week Ed Talk video contest for the middle school division.

Summit Christian Academy (SCA) partnered with the Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri (CEAM) and National School Choice Week to rally over 750 people to the state Capitol in Jefferson City on January 24.

Students in the SCA 5th and 6th grade Honors’ Choir were honored to perform “One Nation” and SCA 7th grade student Karinton Newton was recognized through her submission for the National School Choice Week CEAM Ed Talk video contest in the middle school division. SCA’s College Government class visited state lawmakers to discuss the importance of school choice.

The purpose of the rally was to come together in unity to represent children in Missouri and draw attention to three bills currently in the House and Senate: HB34, HB478, and SB160. Current language of these bills would allow tax credits for donations into state level Educational Savings Accounts. Families would then be able to access those funds to offset educational costs for private school tuition. Speakers during the Rally were Peter Franzen, the Assistant Director of CEAM; Representatives Dan Stacy and Phil Christofanelli, bill sponsors; and Senator Andrew Koenig, bill sponsor.

SCA Academic Dean Kimberlee Gill provided the call to action at the end of the programming.

“Twenty-nine other states in our great nation have already figured out avenues to school choice,” said Gill. “It is past time for Missouri to support its parents and their ability to make the best choices for their children. Most likely these bills will begin by serving Missouri’s most underserved children: those in failing districts, those with special needs, and those who meet poverty guidelines. Any start will be a win for Missouri. It is my hope that modeling democracy in action will inspire our students to find their voices in government.”
