Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation (LSPR) is adding pop up art to some of their parks. However, patrons will only be able to see this art when the trails and sidewalks are wet. Our empowerment and inspirational art movement is in partnership with Lee’s Summit CARES and artist Jamie Lyon of InJoy, LLC.

Lyon, has been a member of LS CARES coalition since January of 2018. Through Lyon’s businesses, I Am Noticed and In Joy Art, she conducts youth workshops and Art projects that promote youth self-esteem building activities. To date, all middle schools, 2 high schools and 3 elementary schools have student-led Empowerment Art murals on their walls. Bridge Space in Downtown LS and LSPR were the two community projects LS CARES funded for her creations. LS CARES commissioned Lyon to create six positive messages that will be placed along trails and sidewalks throughout the park system.

Rachel Segobia, Director of LS cares said, “Lee’s Summit CARES is proud to have the opportunity to bring this mental wellness project to our youth, school and community. We believe in youth-led projects that give voice to our students. These peer-to-peer messages demonstrate the strength and impact that our collaborations have upon a community.”

Installation of the messages will be visible in parks throughout the summer and fall months, through an application with a product called Rainworks. Rainworks is an invisible Spray that is a superhydrophobic coating. That means it can make surfaces completely repel water. By stenciling the coating onto concrete surfaces, LSPR has been able to create positive messages and art that only appear when it rains or the surface gets wet.

Each location placement will be indicated on the Rainworks map, https://rain.works/where/ , as well as posted on LSPR’s social media pages. It’s perfect for a rainy-day scavenger hunt. Patrons are encouraged to take a selfie when they discover the pop up art and tag themselves at #lsparksandrec and #Rainworks.

The first installation will be done with the assistance of some of the Camp Summit kids on Wednesday, July 24 at Harris Park on the plaza area in front of Summit Waves. Lyon will explain to the campers how she choose the messages and designs she created. LSPR staff will talk about the application of the product onto the pavement to make it appear when wet.

Joe Snook, Administrator of LSPR said, “Partnering with LS CARES to provide a unique cultural arts experience in our parks while sharing positive messages is a great way to reinforce our community of character and have some fun.”

LSPR encourages people to follow Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation on social media to find out where the Rainworks pop art will appear next.

For more information, please contact 816.969.1500, or visit LSPR’s website at LSParks.net.
