March 14, 2020

On Saturday, Mar. 7, Boy Scout Troop 1551 held an Eagle Scout Court of Honor to recognize 10 new Eagle Scouts: Jason Kitchens, Samuel Aamodt, Miles Goodman, David Millward, Lincoln Hamaker, Brigham Essig, Isaac Chase, Michael Chase, Logen Bembrook and Jakob Bembrook.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts. It is quite an accomplishment considering that the Boy Scouts of America reports that only about 7% of young men who enter the Scouting program attain Eagle.

To attain the Eagle Scout rank a Scout must work his way through the first five ranks by learning skills such as camping, first aid, and personal fitness. He must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, provide leadership to his troop, and plan and execute a community service project.

David Millward is 14 years old. He loves just about everything and everyone. David sings in the choir in school. David has played the piano, trumpet and French horn. He grew up loving birds and his love for animals has grown even more in the past few years. David helps take care of the animals on the farm, but loves his dog the most. He has played many sports over the years, but loves soccer the most. David helped his dad serve food with a local non-profit organization to those in need this past summer and he loved serving them. Ever since he helped that organization, he wanted to do more to serve alongside them. David decided to help the Coldwater non-profit organization collect winter clothing items for those in the area in need. David, with the help of the community helped collect over 200 winter clothing items. He loved being able to serve the community and serve this organization he grew to love.

Merit Badges: Archaeology, Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Cooking, Crime Prevention, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, Family Life, First Aid, Fishing, Game Design, Horsemanship, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Safety, Swimming, Wilderness Survival, Wood Carving
