March 14, 2020

On Saturday, Mar. 7, Boy Scout Troop 1551 held an Eagle Scout Court of Honor to recognize 10 new Eagle Scouts: Jason Kitchens, Samuel Aamodt, Miles Goodman, David Millward, Lincoln Hamaker, Brigham Essig, Isaac Chase, Michael Chase, Logen Bembrook and Jakob Bembrook.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts. It is quite an accomplishment considering that the Boy Scouts of America reports that only about 7% of young men who enter the Scouting program attain Eagle.

To attain the Eagle Scout rank a Scout must work his way through the first five ranks by learning skills such as camping, first aid, and personal fitness. He must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, provide leadership to his troop, and plan and execute a community service project.

Jason is 13 years old and a 7th grader at Pleasant Lea Middle School. He is involved in Jazz Band, enjoys paintball, and is highly involved in his church youth group. After starting Cub Scouts after his eighth birthday, he has enjoyed scouts ever since. Not only earning his required badges, he earned extra arrow points and belt loops, as well as earning his Arrow of Light. Jason’s Eagle Project was a toy and clothing drive to benefit the children at Children’s Mercy. He was able to collect over 200 items for the patients there. His project was inspired by his father’s eagle project from years ago, to collect videos for his local children’s hospital. Both projects were in memory of Jason’s aunt who died from childhood cancer.

Merit Badges: Automotive Maintenance, Camping, Chemistry, Chess, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Cooking, Digital Tech, Electronics, Emergency Preparedness, Engineering, Environmental Science, Family Life, First Aid, Game Design, Inventing, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Swimming, Textile, Welding
