April 4, 2020

SCA seventh grade student Abigail Shanahan recently took fourth place in the ACSI South Central Regional Spelling Bee

Summit Christian Academy (SCA) is proud to announce that seventh grade student Abigail Shanahan received fourth place at the prestigious Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Regional Spelling Bee in Plano, TX. Tens of thousands of students compete for the privilege to represent their schools at the ACSI District Spelling Bee, and only 370 of them face off in nine regional events throughout the country. Summit Christian Academy is a part of the ACSI’s South Central Region containing six states.

SCA eighth grade students Jisue Kim and Adrian Haack also qualified for and participated in the regional spelling bee.

“I am so proud of Abigail, Jisue, and Adrian who represented SCA at the regional spelling bee,” said SCA Elementary Principal Charissa Sanders.
