April 11, 2020

The City of Lee’s Summit is hosting an online public meeting to introduce the preliminary design for the Colbern Road improvements and allow the public to comment on the project from April 11 through May 11. An overview of the project, exhibits and materials will be available at ColbernRoad.TransportationPlanRoom.com along with a comment form, which may be submitted by mail, email or online by May 11.

The improvements will be made to Colbern Road from M350 Highway to Douglas Street and will include rebuilding the road and adding turn lanes, street lighting, a sidewalk and a shared-use path. The bridge over the railroad and Little Cedar Creek will also be replaced. The purpose of the project is to improve safety, operations, livability and increase economic investment.

The project is funded by the Capital Improvement Sales Tax, which was renewed by voters in 2017; Federal Surface Transportation Program; and Governor’s Transportation Cost Share. The project is currently in the preliminary design phase with construction tentatively scheduled to begin in 2021.

A previously scheduled public meeting for March 31 was postponed due to concerns related to COVID-19. With social distancing guidelines still in place, the online public meeting allows the project to proceed while providing time for the public to review and comment on the preliminary design.

For more information about the Colbern Road Improvements Project, contact Public Works at publicworks@cityofLS.net or call 969-1800.
