May 23, 2020

My wife Jane and I are lifelong area residents. We first moved to Lee’s Summit more than 20 years ago and we’ve lived in District 1 since 2014. We have owned our own successful book publishing business for more than 26 years and have never had any financial or contractual ties to the City of Lee’s Summit. Both of our daughters and all seven of our grandchildren also live in Lee’s Summit, so both our roots and our future are deeply tied to this great city.

I was encouraged to run for City Council by several friends and Lee’s Summit civi leaders because of my broad business experience and my conservative values. We all knew there were major decisions facing Lee’s Summit when we learned about the tremendous opportunities presented by the imminent development of 4000 acres of PRI land. But what we never imagined was the major decisions our city would be facing in the midst of this pandemic. Businesses both small and large have been profoundly impacted along with our schools, our social services, our hospitals, our tax revenues, and every individual citizen. We may never again experience the old “normal” and the decisions our leaders make over the next several years will determine the quality of life our children and grandchildren will inherit in the future.

Unlike some candidates, I don’t owe my allegiance to any special interest group and my council votes will be cast solely on the basis of what’s best for ALL of us in Lee’s Summit- and not a select few. It’s for these reasons that I am proud to be endorsed by past and present Lee’s Summit business and civic leaders through “Foundations For Our Future.” If you value conservative, common sense leadership, I would appreciate your vote on June 2.
