November 7, 2020
The City of Lee’s Summit is hosting virtual community workshops Nov. 16 through Nov. 19, where residents and stakeholders can offer their input on the City’s comprehensive plan – Ignite! Fuel Our Future. The updated comprehensive plan will guide economic development, residential growth and general improvements in Lee’s Summit for the next 20 years.
The virtual community workshops will be held by City Council district. Each workshop will take place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. beginning with District 1 on Nov. 16, District 2 on Nov. 17, District 3 on Nov. 18 and District 4 on Nov. 19. Stakeholders may participate on a different evening if they are unable to attend the night of their district workshop. The City is using Zoom to host the online meetings. For those with limited computer access, a dial-in by phone option is available. Participants must register for a workshop at
The elements of the Ignite Comprehensive Plan include quality of life; strong neighborhoods and housing choice; resilient economy; multimodal transportation; facilities and infrastructure; sustainable environment; and land use and community design. These interactive workshops provide the opportunity to discuss each element of the plan and offer input to influence the future of Lee’s Summit.
“We want to hear from as many voices as possible. This planning process allows us to gather feedback directly from as many individuals as possible so we fully understand the wants and needs of the community as we plan for the future,” said Director of Development Services Ryan Elam. “This comprehensive plan will help determine the direction of Lee’s Summit for decades and community input is a crucial component.”
Additional opportunities for the public to engage in the planning process are available at and through social media.
For more information about the Ignite Comprehensive Plan or to register for a workshop, visit