November 7, 2020
The Lee’s Summit Police Department is proud to announce a new program to help keep our citizens safe.
Take Me Home is a program that was originally developed by the Pensacola Florida Police Department for people who may need special assistance in times of emergency. This kind of assistance may be required if the person is unable to speak or properly identify themselves, or if they become disoriented or act in a manner that could be misinterpreted by first responders or law enforcement officers.
The system includes a current digital picture, demographic information and caregiver contacts. If a police officer encounters a person in the Take Me Home system, the officer can query the database by searching a name or by the person’s physical description. Once the individual’s Take Me Home record has been located, the officer has the information at hand to appropriately assist the person.
For more information or to join this program visit…/programs…/take-me-home-program.