February 21, 2022
By Corey Dillon
Lee’s Summit, MO – Tony Miller will file to run for re-election to the Jackson County Legislature on the first day of filing, Tuesday, February 22, 2022. Tony has served on the County Legislature since 2014 and, if elected, he will serve a third term.
Miller has lived in Jackson County for over 35 years, currently residing in Lakewood with his family, and has been an advocate, problem-solver and proven common-sense leader who has kept the lives and opportunities of all the people of Jackson County at the forefront of his work. Tony has done this by being a bridge-builder and a uniter, never letting partisan politics get in the way of strong and objective decision-making.
There are those who would have voters believe that the County Legislature can deal directly with the big and looming issues facing our country, that while important, are not the purview of the County legislature. The County can and should work cooperatively and collaboratively with law enforcement, with caregivers, with educators and foremost with citizens and parents. As a parent himself, Tony often makes decisions through the lens of a father and husband, and always through the lens of representing the people who have placed trust in him in elected office.
Miller stated, “It is still a high honor to serve people in elected office. We have recent examples of government dictates that are not focused on the priorities of hardworking families and ignore the impacts on them, their children and society at large…the good news is that it has caused a great awakening to the importance of listening and seeking to understand before being understood. That has always been my guiding principle.”
We must provide a courthouse and a jail. We must empower first-responders, judges, and social service providers to vigorously attack crime and to provide care and rehabilitation where needed. We must fairly and accurately assess taxes and we must collect those taxes and send those funds to the intended recipients. We must always focus on human and public-works infrastructure where the County has a role. Tony remains committed to holding the county government accountable and to place the well-being of families foremost.
There are some opportunities to make a real difference in the lives of Jackson Countians and the best opportunity is through our county budget. It has been said that a budget is a moral document – in that it clearly states what we value and what our priorities are in the form of dollars and cents. The Jackson County budget has long been out of line with our collective values and priorities. Tony has and will continue to work for a change in how tax money is budgeted and spent using discipline and the concept of equity in the use of resources instead of the old-fashioned horse-trading that has proven to be inefficient and ineffective.
Miller stated, “If everything is a priority then nothing is. You can determine priorities by listening to the people and applying the resources to the highest priorities, instead of diffusing the money on pet projects, that while they may be meaningful, don’t raise the tide for the entire community.”
Miller added, “It is a challenging, but exciting time in Jackson County and I look forward to continuing to fight for families and the community that I love.”