July 30, 2022

I have had the privilege to know and work with Theresa Galvin since she was elected to the County Legislature in 2014. I strongly support her candidacy for County Executive.

I do not make this endorsement lightly, or without considerable thought. Theresa is an independent thinker, a leader, and not afraid to “swim upstream.” She does not just react to the problems of the moment but seeks to address the long-term resolution of issues instead of just putting a Band-Aid on a problem. I can recall times when I would bring a proposal to her while I was on the legislature and her first question would be “how will this affect us going forward?” She would then do her own research before committing or opposing an idea. Always, her goal was to serve the people she represented. She sometimes said “no” to an idea that I had, and I respect her for that.

Jackson County needs leadership it can trust to do the right thing for us all, to not cater to special interest groups, to make hard decisions when they are necessary, and to be “squeaky” clean. Theresa Galvin brings those qualities. I will vote for her in August, and again in November.

Gregory O. Grounds
Blue Springs, MO
