May 6, 2023
The Lee’s Summit City Council met May 2 to discuss these issues.
Mayoral Appointments
District 3 Councilmember Beto Lopez was appointed mayor pro tempore.
Appointments were made to the Board of Aeronautic Commissioners, Parks and Recreation Board, Housing Authority, Public Safety Advisory Board and the new Wellness Commission.
Bike and Walk Month
Mayor Baird issued a proclamation declaring May Bike and Walk Month. The purpose of the month is to encourage citizens to reap the benefits of bicycling and walking.
Building Safety Month
Mayor Baird issued a proclamation declaring May Building Safety Month. The proclamation asks everyone to consider the commitment to improve building safety, resilience and economic investment at home and in our community.
Historic Preservation Month
Mayor Baird issued a proclamation declaring May Historic Preservation Month. The proclamation encourages residents and visitors to celebrate the role of history in our lives and champion the preservation of our community as it grows and develops into the future.
Drinking Water Week
Mayor Baird issued a proclamation declaring May 7-13 Drinking Water Week. The proclamation recognizes the vital role water plays in everyday life for both water professionals and the communities they serve.
National Nurses Month
Mayor Baird issued a proclamation declaring May National Nurses Month. The proclamation encourages the community to celebrate registered nurses’ accomplishments and efforts to improve our healthcare system and show appreciation for the nation’s registered nurses.
Economic Development Organization Best Practices
TPMA, a national consulting firm, presented a study to City Council on best practices for Economic Development Organizations. The study provided a strategic framework and success factors to inform the City’s decision-making process as it considers the delivery of economic services.
As part of their research, TPMA looked at commonalities and characteristics among five high-performing economic development organizations in comparable communities (Goodyear, AZ, Dublin, OH, Rock Hill, SC, Wake Forest, NC, and Redmond, WA). All five organizations exhibited the following best practices. 1) alignment with local, regional and state entities, 2) clearly identified target industries, 3) future-focused, cultivating an environment to create the next new industry or business, 4) focused on spaces and places and how it facilitates a vibrant economy.
TPMA’s research was well received and the council plans to use the information in future work sessions on this topic.
Community Development Block Grant
City Council gave initial approval to an ordinance approving the Community Development Block Grant 2023-24 Action Plan.
The next meeting is May 9th.