June 15, 2024

By Debi Mercer

Dr. Ralph Powell graduated from Lee’s Summit High School in 1934. 50 years later in 1984, he realized some of his high school friends had the same desire to stay connected with their classmates. In 1984 Dr. and Mrs. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graves, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poos held their class of 1934’s 50th high school class reunion. According to Dr. Powell’s notes, some graduates representing their classes of 1921 through 1933 also attended this first reunion.

At the 1984 class reunion they created the 50th Golden Alumni Reunion of Lee’s Summit High School. The decision was to hold the reunion every two years and invite the next two classes celebrating their high school graduation of 50 years. So, in June of 1986, the two classes of 1935 and 1936 were inducted into the Golden Alumni Reunion. With some graduates attending that first reunion in 1984 from the classes of 1921-1933, 53 classes have been inducted into the Golden Alumni Reunion. To date, these are the classes of 1921-1974. Starting with the 1986 reunion, all have been held at the Lee’s Summit High School Field House.

The 2024 reunion celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Golden Alumni Reunions. At the recent June 9, 2024 reunion, approximately 630 people were in attendance. The classes of 1973 and 1974 were inducted this year. In 2026, the classes of 1975 and 1976 will be inducted.

A huge thank you to the committee that works so hard to plan these reunions.

Inductions of graduating classses of 50 years: 1984 Class of 1934 (*Some in classes of 1921-1933 attended); 1986 Classes of 1935 and 1936; 1988 Classes of 1937 and 1938; 1990 Classes of 1939 and 1940; 1992 Classes of 1941 and 1942; 1994 Classes of 1943 and 1944; 1996 Classes of 1945 and 1946;1998 Classes of 1947 and 1948; 2000 Classes of 1949 and 1950; 2002 Classes of 1951 and 1952; 2004 Classes of 1953 and 1954; 2006 Classes of 1955 and 1956; 2008 Classes of 1957 and 1958; 2010 Classes of 1959 and 1960; 2012 Classes of 1961 and 1962
2014 Classes of 1963 and 1964; 2016 Classes of 1965 and 1966; 2018 Classes of 1967 and 1968; 2020 No Golden Reunion due to COVID; 2022 Classes of 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972; 2024 Classes 1973 and 1974; 2026 Classes of 1975 and 1976; and 2028 Classes of 1977 and 1978.
