RRT & SPA wants to welcome all newly retired personnel and new members to join their group on September 10 at 12:30 at the Raytown Wellness Center, 10301 E. 350 Highway, Raytown MO. 64138.

The guest speaker will be Dr. Alan Markley, Superintendent. The event will start with a luncheon followed by the program. For luncheon reservations call Noda Scherer or e-mail her at the provided number and email in the yearbook.

If you are new and do not have a yearbook yet, send the email to rrtspa@gmail.com. Price for the luncheon is $10. Reservations must be in by the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 5th.

The group will have their October meeting on the 8th at the Raytown Schools Wellness Center with a luncheon at 12:30 followed by a program by the Ronald McDonald house.

You are invited to “like” the Raytown Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association Facebook page. If you would like to be added to the email list to receive updates about MRTA, RRT & SPA or to receive information about the above activities, send an email to rrtspa@gmail.com.
