July 3, 2019

The Jackson County Board of Equalization (BOE) recently considered a request by Jackson County Assessment Director Gail McCann Beatty to consider any timely-filed 2019 informal review request also be considered as a timely-filed 2019 BOE appeal. The BOE failed to get a motion on the request, therefore, the request died.

Despite this action, the County remains committed to ensuring that every property is assessed fairly and accurately. The assessment department will continue to work with property owners and process all informal reviews.

If property owners believe their property’s assessed valuation is not accurate and would like it reviewed by the BOE, they must file a formal appeal to ensure their case is heard. The deadline to file a formal appeal is Monday, July 8.

The assessment department continues to process informal reviews and will continue to do so until each one has been reviewed appropriately. During this process, regardless of the date, if the department determines, or if the property owner and department agree to a stipulation that a valuation should be changed, the County will request that a change is made by the BOE. However, it is important for property owners to know that this only applies when the department determines a change is appropriate and in no circumstance is the BOE bound to follow the recommendation of the County.

To ensure your case is heard by the BOE, you must file a formal appeal with the BOE. Formal appeal applications can be found online at: https://www.jacksongov.org/331/Board-of-Equalization-Appeals.
