February 15, 2020
Persons wishing to file a declaration of candidacy for the offices of Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff or County Committeeman/Committeewoman on opening day of filing, Tuesday, February 25, 2020, may do so at the Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
All filers must use the west entrance located on Oak Street, which will open at 7:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to file for office will be asked to form a single-file line inside the building prior to proceeding through the security checkpoint. An associate from the County Clerk’s Office will distribute numbers to those in line. Filers will then proceed to the second floor and form a line in numerical order outside the glass doors marked LEGISLATIVE OFFICES.
The County Clerk’s Office will open at 8:00 a.m. to accept declarations. Representatives from each political party will be present to accept filing fees. To expedite this process, each filer should have their current voter I.D. card needed to complete the declaration form. Filers for Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff should additionally have the Department of Revenue (DOR) Form 5120, Candidate’s Affidavit of Tax Payments (not required for County Committee candidates). Each filer will approach the counter when their number is called, provide their filing fee receipt and complete all required paperwork.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure, kindly contact Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of the County Legislature at mspino@jacksongov.org.