March 21, 2020

Due to the current novel coronavirus situation, the Lee’s Summit Hall of Fame committee has elected to postpone the banquet and ceremony. They have tentatively rescheduled the ceremony and induction for Sunday, June 14 at 4:00. The ceremony will take place at 4:00 and the dinner will follow. This is also the weekend of the LSHS Golden Reunion. The status of the Hall of Fame ceremony will continue to be monitored as the novel coronavirus situation evolves.

They will operate under the assumption that all individuals who have sent in a RSVP will be able to attend on June 14. If you are not able to attend on June 14, please reach out for a refund. The e-mail address is: and my office phone number is 816-986-2107. They look forward to celebrating the 2020 Lee’s Summit High School Hall of Fame inductees.
