March 21, 2020

On Wednesday, March 18, Metropolitan Community College Chancellor Kimberly Beatty announced steps the College is taking to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and help protect the MCC community.

MCC is on spring break this week. Spring break for students has now been extended an additional week, through March 29. Although the five MCC campuses will remain closed to students and the public next week, that time will be used to provide additional support to instructors and student services personnel as they transition to delivering all instruction and support services remotely.

Beginning Monday, March 30, MCC will begin delivering all courses and student support services remotely, with the possible exception of small-group lab work. Students will be contacted by their instructors with more information about classwork. The campuses will continue to be closed to the public, with essential personnel only on campus.

The closure of campuses and delivery of courses and support services remotely will continue until at least April 10 and will be re-evaluated for a possible extension at a later date.

“Maintaining the quality of an MCC education is of the highest priority,” Chancellor Beatty said. “Our instructors, staff and administrators have been busy researching and discussing remote instruction strategies and techniques.”

For students without broadband access at home, the College is working with an internet service provider to offer free broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to students impacted by the coronavirus shutdown. Details on this are being communicated to students via email on the Blackboard system.

All campus activities and events of more than 50 people are canceled through April 30. MCC leadership is currently assessing the status of all other College events and activities for the remainder of the spring semester. The National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) has canceled all upcoming spring competitions including practices, regular season, post season and national championship play effective immediately.

Further updates for students and employees will be communicated by email, via MCC social media channels and at
