Due to the COVID-19 Social Distancing order in effect, this meeting will be held via conference call. The public is welcome to dial in, however, there will not be active participation from the public via conference call.
If you have a Public Comment, you must submit in writing, by 4:30 PM on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 to chawkins@lakelotawana.org. Your submission must contain your full name and complete address for the record and has a cap of 2500 words. These comments will be read by City staff during this section of the meeting.
Conference Call 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID 896-1156-2294 7:00 p.m.

  1. Call meeting to order (1:00 Minute)
  2. Roll call (1:00 Minute)
  3. Pledge of Allegiance (1:00 Minute)
  4. Public Speaks (3:00 Minutes per speaker)
  5. Department Reports (20:00 minutes total) (5:00 minutes per department)
  6. Aldermen Comments (18:00 Minutes total) (3:00 minutes per Alderman)
  7. Mayor Comments (10:00 Minutes)
  8. Consideration of February and March Financials (10:00 Minutes)
  9. Approval of Consent Agenda (3:00 Minutes)
    A. Minutes from March 17, 2020 Regular Meeting; April 7, 2020 Work Session
    B. March 11, 2020, through April 10, 2020 Disbursements
    C. Second Reading of Bill 20-06 adopting Ordinance 20-06 an Ordinance granting a change in zoning on land located near the southwest corner of the intersection of Highways 7 and 50 from Planned Development-Office Commercial “PD-OC”, Planned Development-Town House Residential Single-Family Detached/Single-Family attached “PD-THR”, all in accordance with the provisions of the Land Use Regulations of the City of Lake Lotawana, Missouri
    D. Second Reading of Bill 20-07 adopting Ordinance 20-07 accepting the Preliminary Plat of Woodlawn Estates Planned Development
  10. Old Business-None (1:00 Minute)
  11. New Business
    A. Resolution 20-09 A Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a motor vehicle lease agreement by and between Robert S. Cutler, Trustee of the Robert S. Cutler Revocable Trust UTA, and the City of Lake Lotawana, Missouri (“City”) by Nick Shigouri, City Administrator (10:00 Minutes)
    B. Approval of Liquor License-Marina 27 (5:00 Minutes)
    C. Bridge Deck Overlay Discussion (20:00 Minutes)
  12. Planning and Zoning Recommendations
    A. First Reading of Bill 20-08 Adopting Ordinance 20-08 an Ordinance accepting the Preliminary Plat of Foxberry Estates Planned Development (10:00 Minutes)
    B. Public Hearing for Application No 20-05-PLA An Application to rezone a part of Parcel No. 72-100-03-01-01-0-00-000 currently zoned Agricultural “A” to Estate Residential “ER” by Randy Sallee and Tyler Sallee, Property Owners/Applicants (30:00 Minutes)
    C. First Reading of Bill 20-09 adopting Ordinance 20-09 an Ordinance granting a change in zoning on a part of Parcel No. 72-100-03-01-01-0-00-000 currently zoned Agricultural “A” to Estate Residential “ER”, all in accordance with the provisions of the land use regulations of the city of Lake Lotawana, Missouri (20:00 Minutes)
    D. First Reading of Bill 20-10 adopting Ordinance 20-10 An Ordinance accepting the Preliminary Plat of Lone Summit Estates Planned Development (10:00 Minutes)
    E. First Reading of Bill 20-11 adopting Ordinance 20-11 an Ordinance accepting the Final Plat of Lone Summit Estates Planned Development (10:00 Minutes)
  13. Adjournment (1:00 Minute)
    TOTAL 3 Hours 5 Minutes