May 20, 2020

By Assistant Chief Jim Eden
Lee’s Summit Fire Department

LEE’S SUMMIT, MO— On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 6:29 p.m. the Lee’s Summit Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire in the 1500 Block of SW Manor Lake Drive in The Manor Homes of Arborwalk. A resident noticed smoke coming from a neighbor’s garage, called 911, and alerted the occupant of the involved unit.

When the fire department arrived, there was smoke visible from the garage of a two-story, multi-unit townhome. The building was in the process of being evacuated.

Firefighters forced opened the garage door and extinguished a fire involving combustible storage containers. A search of the entire building confirmed everyone was safe outside and the fire had not spread beyond the garage. The fire was under control by 6:54 p.m.

Fire and smoke damage was contained to the garage with only minor damage to a vehicle parked in the garage. The closed door from the garage to the living area and building construction kept the fire and smoke contained to the garage. All units were able to be reoccupied.

The cause of the fire was determined to be improper disposal of smoking materials.
