May 30, 2020

The Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office will monitor polls next Tuesday for any voting irregularities in the General Municipal election on June 2, 2020, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced this week.

The prosecutor’s office monitors each election for irregularities such as potential voter fraud and any abuse of voters’ rights. This could include any threat or attempt to prevent someone from voting, giving false information to prevent them from going to the polls or bribing a voter to support a specific candidate or issue.

To report any such instances, voters can call the Public Corruption Unit at 816-881-3111. The phone line will be monitored while polls are open.

Please be aware that significant changes in polls and their locations are anticipated for the June 2 election, originally scheduled for April 7, 2020. All voters are encouraged to check their election board websites to verify poll locations, learn about absentee voting options, and review sample ballots. The Jackson County Election Board website: The Kansas City election board website:

Poll workers, election board officials said, are taking precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect themselves and voters at the polls.
