School Recommendation FAQs

Q. What are the Health Department’s recommendations for schools this fall?

A. At this time, we strongly recommend schools not start back until September 8. We also recommend beginning the school year with remote learning. 

Q. Why is the Health Department making these recommendations? 

A. In Eastern Jackson County, the week over week case counts, percent positive, and daily hospitalizations are all increasing. We are not comfortable making the recommendation to send students back to school during a period of significant uncontrolled community transmission.

Q. If schools are starting off with remote learning, why wait until September 8?

A. This gives school administrators and teachers time to transition academic planning to a remote learning format.

Q. Will there be further guidance issued by the Health Department?

A. Yes, we will continue to communicate further recommendations for transitioning to hybrid and in-person learning when applicable. 


There are two testing sites at the Fairmount Community Center (217 S. Cedar Ave. Independence, MO 64053) next week. These are not drive-thru clinics. You will enter the Fairmount Community Center through the back entrance/parking lot. Walk-ins will not be taken. 

Testing will be done using either an NP swab (nasopharyngeal swab) or nasal swab and collected by a healthcare professional. This test only detects current infection with COVID-19. Testing is free and available to anyone regardless of symptoms.

If you have symptoms and want to get tested sooner, call (816) 404-CARE.

Tuesday, August 11 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Thursday, August 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Immunization Clinics

Back-to-school is right around the corner. While school will look a little different this year, Missouri law requires all students to remain up-to-date on their immunizations. There are only two weeks left for our back-to-school immunization clinics. If you haven’t already, make sure to sign your student up for one of our appointments. 

Fort Osage:

