June 30, 2020

By Marshanna C. Smith, Public Information Officer, Jackson County Executive’s Office

County moves into modified Phase 2 of Recovery Plan

Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. – in consultation with Jackson County Health Department Director Bridgette Shaffer, MPH – announced today that the County has updated Phase 2 of its Recovery Plan to include a mask requirement. The new order takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 1.

The order is in response to reports of increasing case counts and a potential overwhelming of the health care system. So far, more than 2,600 people have been infected with the virus and 62 people have died in Jackson County. Local public health directors and hospital officials say wearing a face mask is the most effective and least costly strategy to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“While some continue to deny the overwhelming judgment of public health officials, none of us are safe from this deadly disease,” said Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. “However, we should find comfort in the fact that we have the power to dramatically reduce the impact this virus has on our community by simply wearing a mask. It protects you and more importantly, makes it less likely you will accidently harm someone else. Wearing a mask should not be politicized. Wearing a mask is about saving a life. Be a hero, wear a mask.”

Under the new order, masks covering the mouth and nose must be worn in:

  • A public indoor space, including a workplace, business, school, place of worship, or public facility such as a community center or library
  • A public outdoor space, including parks, playgrounds, farmers markets, bus stops and restaurant/bar patio seating, and when using public transportation, taxis or ride-sharing services

The following individuals are exempt from the mask requirement:

  • Those who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Children younger than five years old; and
    • Children who are younger than two years old should never wear face coverings due to the risk of suffocation.
    • Children who are two, three, or four years old, with the assistance and close supervision of an adult, are strongly recommended to wear a face covering at all times in settings, like grocery stores or pharmacies, where it is likely that a distance of at least six feet cannot be maintained from non-household members and vulnerable people must go.
  • Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes, but is not limited to, persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance.

“The science is clear that when we wear masks, we limit the spread of droplets being passed on to others when we talk, cough or sneeze,” said Jackson County Health Department Director Bridgette Shaffer, MPH. “While some of us are wearing masks in public, we must increase usage to best control the virus. Mask wearing is one of the simplest and least invasive tools we have to protect our families, friends, and neighbors in Jackson County.”

The mask requirement is part of a modified Phase 2 of the Jackson County Recovery Plan, which includes changes to allow in-person instruction at schools, playgrounds to reopen and increased outdoor capacity limits to 100 people. The full order is attached.

The Jackson County Health Department has prepared the phased-approach recovery plan that is focused on protecting the health and safety of residents, while beginning a safe and sensible path to economic recovery for all of Jackson County. Residents and businesses with questions should contact the health department by visiting www.jacohd.org/coronavirus, calling (816) 404-9883 or emailing COVID19@tmcmed.org.

To view the detailed breakdown of Phase 2.5, visit: https://buff.ly/2NJN8O0

For the health order, visit: https://buff.ly/31xxflS

1 Comment

1 Comment

  • Kent Clemmerson

    July 4, 2020 - 12:56 pm

    I find this mask mandate to be outside the bounds of the US and Missouri Constitutions. We cannot control the common cold or the Flu. Why is Covid-19 any different? If Covid is .1 Micron and an N-95 mask filters down to .3 Micron, it is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence.

    Additionally, the US has done far more testing than any other nation which means that you will find more cases. Beyond this there are two (2) tests, one type of test determines if you currently have Covid-19 and the other is an anti-body test to see if you’ve had Covid-19. There is no surge in cases, just better identification. In most Covid-19 cases, the symptoms are mild to non-existent. People who wish to wear a mask can do so. Forcing it on everyone else is flat out wrong.

    Wearing masks for extended periods of time reduces oxygen intake and increases CO2 in the blood.

    Lastly, Covid-19 is very political; it is being used to control people in the name of public good. If Jackson County can unilaterally decree face mask to be worn, what is to stop them from issuing other unsavory decrees. California has just banned singing in worship services…even with masks on because “droplets” might make it through the masks and cause others to get the Covid’s. It is all so reasonable isn’t it? This whole thing reminds me of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” or a prelude to Orwell’s 1984. If this doesn’t scare you, it should!

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