December 2, 2023

Join the Lunch Bunch of Longview Chapel Christian Church on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 12:00 p.m. noon for their monthly potluck. You won’t want to miss this fun lunchtime. Entertainment will be provided by a musical group from John Knox Village, called the Melos quartet.

The Melos (from the Greek for song or tune) Quartet is four retired women who enjoy making music together. Mary Elizabeth Bradley plays piano, Alta Bliss plays bass and alto recorder, Jocelyn Botkin plays soprano and alto recorder and Tina Smith plays tenor recorder. They have designed a program of sacred and secular holiday music: some old favorites and some new to enjoy.

Bring a favorite dish or dessert to share, and bring a friend. All are welcome.

For questions contact or call the church at 816-763-6290.
