By Fred Liggett

Now in his fifth season as a pro hockey player Mavericks defenseman Patch Alber is enjoying a break out season. Patch as his teammates call him, leads the team in assists and is second in scoring as of this writing.

The right-hander is popular with fans and he tries to respond to that with stellar play and helping bring younger players along. Patch turned 29 during the month of March. Alber admits he has been asked to “Teach them how to be a pro.” Mavericks head coach John Scott Dickson tells Patch to “Do what you have done before.” Dickson played with Alber during his playing career with the Mavericks.

During his time as a Maverick Alber has seen his share of changes both on and off the ice. One of them is the team’s affiliation status from the New York Islanders to the Calgary Flames. Patch thinks the Mavs affiliation with the Flames is “Really good for us.” Alber does feel there are some differences among the three organizations he has played for in his career. Patch has also played for Adirondack.

While on the Mavs team bus Alber enjoys playing cards or just sleeping. He also enjoys messing with Mavs teammate Tyler Elbrecht. Alber’s favorite area of the KC Metro is the crossroads area “because it is fun.” During the month of March Alber was one of just a few Mavericks players who did not do a NCAA pick ’em bracket this year.

Check out Patch and his teammates when they host the Tulsa Oilers on Mon. Apr. 2 in what is the Mavericks next to last regular season home game. The fun begins when the puck drops inside the Silverstein Eye Centers Arena at 7:05 p.m.

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